Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

My Identity Based on Zodiac..SCORPIO WOMEN TRAITS


The Scorpio Women Traits


Scorpios have a reputation that’s legendary for being secretive, and unless the moon or the ascendant is in a more affable sign like Sagittarius, this is essentially true. Scorpio women guard their secrets as closely as Taurus guards their 401k portfolios; it’s that important!

This is not to say that a Scorpio woman can’t be chatty; the difference is that she is telling you only what she thinks you should know. Her true feelings, the ones she holds dear to her heart, will remain unspoken until the time is right. To Scorpio, secrets are like little, precious nuggets of gold.


Keeping all those secrets can make for a rather intense personality! Among the Scorpio women traits is a seething mass of emotional intensity over every hurt and every wrong doing that has ever been done to her. Perhaps that’s why Scorpio women prefer to be quiet; if they start talking, all of that intensity may come pouring out. The Scorpio woman, over time, has learned all too well that not everyone appreciates, or can handle, such a depth of emotion.

Aloof and Calm

Paradoxically, Scorpio women tend to be quite aloof on the surface. Even when she likes someone, she’ll still fix those steely eyes on that person and make them quake all the way down to their boots! The more she wants something, the less likely it is that she’ll let on. This all plays very nicely into her psychological game of getting what she really wants.

Even in the middle of a fight with the love of her life, she’ll dare her lover to pack up and leave. Don’t be fooled. This is just a tactic designed to test the strength of your love. At a board meeting, she’ll calmly walk away from talks letting her opponent sweat it out a bit. Again, this calm exterior is designed to get everyone to fall in line.

Sexy and Magnetic

So why do we put up with these Scorpio women traits? Mostly because this lady is incredibly sexy and magnetic. To be clear, sexy does not mean sexual (although most Scorpios, when paired with the right individual, can be quite sexual). No, here Scorpio women are just plain sexy!

Whether it’s those almost glass-like eyes or her Mona Lisa smile, this lady just radiates wantonness, but unlike other zodiac signs, there’s a dangerous quality that lurks just beneath the surface. You just don’t know if she’s going to have her way with you, hurt you terribly or both!

Perhaps it also helps that Scorpio women are also incredibly magnetic. Whether it’s due to their seething emotional life or their capacity to understand the darker nature in us all, they just seem to draw you in. Much like the spider and the fly, once you’ve been invited in, there’s only a slim chance you’ll leave.

Why Love a Scorpio Lady?

The sexuality, the secrets, the magnetism; it all sounds like so much to deal with! So why bother? It’s worth dealing with a Scorpio beauty because of her great capacity for kindness. It may sound strange, but Scorpios, despite their tendency for walking on the wild side of life, truly want to do good in the world.

In fact, a Scorpio woman may actually be the nicest, kindest, most good-natured person you’ve ever met; she connects that well with those who are suffering or are in pain.

The other reason is one you’ve probably already guessed. Despite the drama, once a Scorpio woman loves you, she’ll love you for life. If she really believes in you, she will look past your flaws (but she will comment on them!), and risk life and limb to keep you safe from harm. If it’s a passionate, long-lasting commitment you are after, look no further than a Scorpio beauty.

Famous Scorpios

For inspiration, consider some of these famous Scorpio women:

* Hilary Clinton: Born October 26, 1947, First Lady and senator of New York

* Jaclyn Smith: Born October 26, 1947, actress

* Marla Maples: Born October 27, 1963, actress

* Grace Kelly: Born November 12, 1929, actress and Princess of Monaco

* Katherine Hepburn: Born November 8, 1907, actress

Link to Website : http://horoscopes.lovetoknow.com/Scorpio_Women_Traits

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Shaun Of The Dead

This movie is very cool!! and Outragesly FUNNY though this movie gender based on Horror, but it gave us a touch of a comedy story behind the scary terrifying zombies that crawled anywhere in a town of the england land. the main characters of this movie played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost they are both perfect for their own role, its amazing that they both acted like there is nothing happened in their town, its like their dumb or just plain not noticing the big whole tragedy-- they knew the problems after they saw a woman, a zombie woman, whom they thought is a drunk woman XD standing at the back of their home garden.

Its very hillarious to watch them both tried to survive with their unusual creative strategies- they faced the zombies naturally and steadily like they have been killing the zombies professionally hahhahaha...just take a slice minute to see Shaun of The Dead's trailer~ shall we~

There are more funny moments that i wouldnt explain it all in this blog because its better for you to actually watch it =]

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

My Childhood Pic xD xD

I remember half of my memories when i was still a toddler ^^
i have always loved to play back then and never stop explored new things that i considered interesting, even my younger sister told me that i have always active, playing around here and playing around there
i'm kinda wild back then probably ^^" i didnt quite remember it- but i tried- it has been so many years~ =)
i had some bad memories that i wanted to forget but it still kept replaying on my mind till now, maybe i shouldnt forget it and instead cherish it nicely until i become an old lady. But not only the bad memories of course ^^ good things in the past that myself secretly enjoyed, i wont forget it too haha
sadly- in the past few years- T_T i kinda brought myself with an unhappy mood, my mood tend to swinged very easily, well you know~i'm a bit sensitive, started from my daily life as a toddler until i was a young girl- i always felt vulnerable that is why i grew older to become more tougher. i had some heart bruises, but it's fine with me as long as i can face horrible experiences that i've always encountered. keep living is the greatest thing-

by the way~ i looked very cutteeeee in this picture haha xP *narcist*
i wish i had a daughter that would look just the same as myself in this picture- i couldnt stop looking at this picture - i am so adorableee~ and the cuteness here it isnt made up,,its natural hahaha xD
ohh my~ i wish there is a time machine so i can go back to myself and hug myself ^,^

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Bonnie & Clyde

Do you know Bonnie Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934). If you dont know anything just open this link:
it will give you full information about these two Wanted Lovers ^^


Bonnie & Clyde, when i first hear these names, i absolutely ignore it but my little sister kept telling me about this awesome couple, they are from the early 1930's..and after i read informations about Bonnie & Cyde, i turned out to be addicted to their dangerous story~
they are robbers, criminals from a gang that had been well known because they had robbed many bank in America. their criminal activities were known nationwide and even captured the attention of American press and its readerships that sometimes referred to "Public Enemy Era". But for these two, Bonnie is the woman and Clyde is the man, they only rob small stores or gas stations. Clyde often used his guns but not Bonnie, Bonnie only help preparing the amunitions- and you know what? Bonnie is very professional at making the guns fully loaded and ready to use.

this couple is so popular even American artist, Jay-Z and Beyonce made a song about Bonnie & Clyde, not only them Ice Cube,
The German punk band Die Toten Hosen, the Russian rock band Splean (Сплин), Georgie Fame, etc also entitled their song about the exploits of Bonnie & Clyde

Bonnie Parker is in love with Clyde, Clyde knew it too but he didnt do anything about it, they just kept travelling and travelling with their
1932 Ford V-8 B-400 Convertible Sedan and with their guns~!! No wonder Bonnie probably truly happy with her guy always besides her and even Clyde grew more to love her..

Bonnie, she is very fond of writing poems even when she was at a jail.. and do you know? Bonnie is one of the first glorified female criminals

here is one of her poems, this poem tells about her story on riding an adventure with her lover, Clyde Barrow:

The Story of Suicide Sal

We each of us have a good "alibi"
For being down here in the "joint";
But few of them really are justified
If you get right down to the point.

You've heard of a woman's "glory"
Being spent on a "downright cur,"
Still you can't always judge the story
As true, being told by her.

As long as I've stayed on this "island,"
And heard "confidence tales" from each "gal,"
Only one seemed interesting and truthful --
The story of "Suicide Sal."

Now "Sal" was a gal of rare beauty,
Though her features were coarse and tough;
She never once faltered from duty
To play on the "up and up."

"Sal" told me this tale on the evening
Before she was turned out "free,"
And I'll do my best to relate it
Just as she told it to me:

I was born on a ranch in Wyoming;
Not treated like Helen of Troy;
I was taught that "rods were rulers"
And "ranked" as a greasy cowboy."

Then I left my old home for the city
To play in its mad dizzy whirl,
Not knowing how little of pity
It holds for a country girl.

There I fell for "the line" of a "henchman,"
A "professional killer" from "Chi";
I couldn't help loving him madly;
For him even now I would die.

One year we were desperately happy;
Our "ill gotten gains" we spent free;
I was taught the ways of the "underworld";
Jack was just like a "god" to me.

I got on the "F.B.A." payroll
To get the "inside lay" of the "job";
The bank was "turning big money"!
It looked like a "cinch" for the "mob."

Eighty grand without even a "rumble" --
Jack was last with the "loot" in the door,
When the "teller" dead-aimed a revolver
From where they forced him to lie on the floor.

I knew I had only a moment --
He would surely get Jack as he ran;
So I "staged" a "big fade out" beside him
And knocked the forty-five out of his hand.

They "rapped me down big" at the station,
And informed me that I'd get the blame
For the "dramatic stunt" pulled on the "teller"
Looked to them too much like a "game."

The "police" called it a "frame-up,"
Said it was an "inside job,"
But I steadily denied any knowledge
Or dealings with "underworld mobs."

The "gang" hired a couple of lawyers,
The best "fixers" in any man's town,
But it takes more than lawyers and money
When Uncle Sam starts "shaking you down."

I was charged as a "scion of gangland"
And tried for my wages of sin;
The "dirty dozen" found me guilty --
From five to fifty years in the pen.

I took the "rap" like good people,
And never one "squawk" did I make.
Jake "dropped himself" on the promise
That we make a "sensational break."

Well, to shorten a sad lengthy story,
Five years have gone over my head
Without even so much as a letter--
At first I thought he was dead.

But not long ago I discovered
From a gal in the joint named Lyle,
That Jack and his "moll" had "got over"
And were living in true "gangster style."

If he had returned to me sometime,
Though he hadn't a cent to give,
I'd forget all this hell that he's caused me,
And love him as long as I live.

But there's no chance of his ever coming,
For he and his moll have no fears
But that I will die in this prison,
Or "flatten" this fifty years.

Tomorrow I'll be on the "outside"
And I'll "drop myself" on it today;
I'll "bump 'em" if they give me the "hotsquat"
On this island out here in the bay...

The iron doors swung wide next morning
For a gruesome woman of waste,
Who at last had a chance to "fix it,"
Murder showed in her cynical face.

Not long ago I read in the paper
That a gal on the East Side got "hot,"
And when the smoke finally retreated
Two of gangdom were found "on the spot."

It related the colorful story
of a "jilted gangster gal."
Two days later, a "sub-gun" ended
The story of "Suicide Sal."

-- Bonnie Parker

Welsh Corgi Oooh~ SO CUTE!!

This kind of dog is the cutest dog that i will really enjoyed to play with~!!! i love how short these dog's legs are, and how how omg this dog is just cute as ever- i want to pet it >.<
by the way this welsh corgi dog is also the dog that Spike Spiegel had (from animation Cowboy Bebop) XD haha!!!
Oh Yea Please take a Look at this Fascinating Video about Welsh Corgi in Japan,,he's cute XP
and please be patient if the video doesnt run smoothly =) I DONT OWN THIS VIDEO!! ^^


A femme fatale (plural: femmes fatales) is an alluring and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations. She is an archetypal character of literature and art. Her ability to entrance and hypnotize her male victim was in the earliest stories seen as being literally supernatural, hence the most prosaic femme fatale today is still described as having a power akin to an enchantress, vampire, female monster or demon. The ideas involved are closely tied to fears of the female witch and misogyny[1] while others say Femme fatale "remains an example of female independence and a threat to traditional female gender roles".

The phrase is
French for "deadly woman". A femme fatale tries to achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, and sexual allure. Typically, she is exceptionally well-endowed with these qualities. In some situations, she uses lying or coercion rather than charm. She may also be (or imply to be) a victim, caught in a situation from which she cannot escape.

the Femme Fatale is a very Fierce, Powerful woman whom you dont want to mess with, she can kill you physically and mentally or can made you not noticing that she have already killed you x), there are many movies even from the 30's till now made a special story about a Femme Fatale,,like Sin City, Grindhoouse: Death Proof, Planet Terror, Kill Bill, Charlies Angels, Femme Fatale (acted by Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) or from many film noirs and even from graphical animation comics such as Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, StarFire, Storm from the X-Men. These are female assasins or heroes that have magnetic persona , strength, inteligent and beauty, these are their natural abilities. and usually they are the detectives of mysteries behind the bars, clubs,etc cause they often or like to live in an underground lifestyle

*please take a look at the video below!!! Hear the music and keep watching- cause it's typically Femme Fatale's* hehehe ^^ this is from Youtube and i dont own this video!

If you dare challenge them and provoked them, there will be no mercy for you cause they'll gonna break your heart in two or probably left you die!! these femmes are intelligent and can sting like a scorpion's- so watch out x)

there's even a lyric made by Velvet Underground that explain about Femme Fatale hardcore life:

Here she comes, you better watch your step
Shes going to break your heart in two, its true
Its not hard to realize
Just look into her false colored eyes
She builds you up to just put you down, what a clown

cause everybody knows (shes a femme fatale)
the things she does to please (shes a femme fatale)
Shes just a little tease (shes a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks

Youre written in her book
Youre number 37, have a look
Shes going to smile to make you frown, what a clown
Little boy, shes from the street
Before you start, youre already beat
Shes gonna play you for a fool, yes its true

cause everybody knows (shes a femme fatale)
The things she does to please (shes a femme fatale)
Shes just a little tease (shes a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks

and also from song artist SPACE - Female of the Species. It also described about Femme Fatale~

A thousand thundering thrills await me
Facing insurmontable odds gratefully
The female of the species is more deadly than the male

Shock shock horror horror
Shock shock horror
I'll shout myself hoarse for your supernatural force
The female of the species is more deadly than the male

Oh she deals in witchcraft
And one kiss and I'm zapped

Oh How can heaven hold a place for me?
When a girl like you has cast a spell on me
Oh how can heaven hold a place for me?
When a girl like you has cast a spell on me

Frankenstein and Dracula have nothing on you
Jekyll and Hyde join the back of the queue
The female of the species is more deadly than the male

Oh she wants to conquer the world completely
But first she'll conquer me discreetly
The female of the species is more deadly than the male

Oh she deals in witchcraft
And one kiss and I'm zapped

Oh How can heaven hold a place for me?
When a girl like you has cast a spell on me
Oh how can heaven hold a place for me?
When a girl like you has cast a spell on me

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Angels & Demons

Love this movie!! its better than the first movie Da Vinci Code-
the story made me very curious about whose actually the bad and the good
i thought the good guy was the priest/ pastor, Padre Camerlengo
and the bad guy was the Vatican Head Police Officer, Commander Richter, but it turned out the opposite.
its very disappointed to see the good guys were the one who died and get killed
This movie really made me keep interested and concentrate to the story,
because the dramatic soundtracks that this movie had, it sounded very spectacular!!
And also the places that were taken for this movie are very breathtaking, made me want to go to Rome x) haha

Oh by the way, Padre Camerlengo a.k.a Ewan Mcgregor is very attractive in this movie x)
i love his character here- He can fly a helicopter and have studied military
and also the assasin- love his character too, he is very professional at killing- when he shot people he shot it with accuracy and stealth- that makes his style look good! i like that!! xD